

A few weeks ago, a friend sent me a message. He indicated that he just tested positive for covid. His throat didn't feel right.


Well, we just had dinner 2 or 3 days before he tested positive. My friend told me to be careful because there are chances that I might be infected.


It’s not fun to be detected. Over the last several weeks, I have heard from many friends who tested positive for covid. There are some impacts on their lives. And some of them had no choice but to cancel their trips.


So many things have changed since the outbreak of the covid-19. Even now, vaccines and medications are available, it’s still hard to predict what impacts will come.


Thankfully, my friend is fine now. While talking to him, I just recalled a story.


Several years ago, I had to fly from Europe to Asia. It was a long trip and I had to take a connecting flight in Dubai. Before taking a flight, I received an email. In the email, it indicated that tourists had to be careful about MERS because there was an outbreak in some countries.


Well, it seems that it has been a while. However, when I recalled this story, I just began to think about some risks about traveling. Traveling is fun, nonetheless, there are still some risks and being infected is one of the risks. It’s hard to predict and all we have to do is be careful and understand what it is. Normally, I will quickly read the notice before taking a flight. Additionally, if there’s something new about diseases, I will try to understand what it is and what are the potential risks. It’s always better to know how to prepare and how to avoid it. And you have to do it. For example, a friend forgot to take medicine while he was traveling in some countries. He got sick after coming back.

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