
A friend’s dream comes true

A few months ago, I got a message from a friend. We’ve known each other for more than 10 years. In the message, she invited me to an opening event.


She will have a jewelry studio and for her, it’s a dream that comes true. Previously, we occasionally talked and I understood how hard she had worked to make it happen. I’m truly happy to see her dream come true. In the event, I prepared a bottle of champagne to congratulate her. I was so glad to see her again.


In addition, the event was a great one. She explained the history of jewelry in France. Moreover, I learned a little bit about the techniques of jewelry. Well, I can just understand a little bit and I realized that there is so much knowledge in this field.


Moreover, in the other part of the event, a vendor introduced the wine in France. When I saw the map of wine regions in France, I quickly took a photo and shared it with other friends.


I used to go to France several times. However, I never really paid too much attention to the wine history in France. I didn’t learn much about wine regions in France. Nonetheless, after tasting some wines from France, I gradually learned that there’s a lot of knowledge about wine. Overall, I really learned a lot in that event. And for me, at least I can apply the knowledge of wine when I taste some French wines next time. Additionally, I will check the labels and try to understand the history of the wines and the stories of different regions. I won’t be an expert in wine or in jewelry. Nonetheless, learning something new in different fields is always interesting. And by doing so, it might help me organize or plan a trip.

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