

I was waiting for a friend. He was going to a restaurant that he works for. And I was going to a store near that restaurant. We decided to go there by bike.


Riding a bike on the street, my friend pointed to a store and indicated that I could go to that shoe because there are good clothes and they are affordable.


Well, it’s interesting to ride a bike in a city and while traveling, I did ride a bike sometimes.


My very first time riding a bike on a trip was probably in Paris. One afternoon, a friend mentioned riding a bike in the city. I never tried it before. So, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. My friend, who’s from Paris, explained how the system works and how to rent a bike.


It’s quite easy to rent a bike in Paris. You just need to use a credit card and choose a bike. So, that day, my friend rented a bike for me and we rode around the city. It was a wonderful experience. I truly experienced a different way to see the city.


With that experience, I went to Lyon with another friend. One day, we decided to ride a bike to see the city. Well, we didn’t ride that much as I did in Paris. However, it was also pretty interesting.


Overall, I like the bike renting system in France. It’s easy and even for a foreigner, you can quickly rent a bike. Each city has its own bike rental services. Nonetheless, a key thing is whether it’s easily accessible for most people, in particular, for tourists. I’m truly glad that my friend showed me around the city by bike and that really opens a way of traveling. Now, sometimes, I choose to ride a bike in a city.

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