
Best travel mates?

A few days ago, I listened to a podcast show. In the show, the hosts were discussing mates. After listening to the show, I began to think about travel mates.


Well, normally, I like to travel alone. But sometimes, I travel with some friends. Thankfully, we didn’t have serious arguments and we are still friends. Nonetheless, I used to listen to some friends’ stories and they didn’t like their travel mates.


A friend used to travel with another friend, who organized so many things in a day and they didn’t have time to take a break. Another friend’s travel mate just complained a lot during a trip. After the trip, he decided to block that friend on Facebook.


For me, I like to be an easygoing travel mate. I respect my travel mate’s ideas and we can arrange a trip that fits our expectations. A key thing for me is that I avoid arranging too many things in a day and I don’t like to wake up too early. Then, I’m flexible for other plans.


Sometimes it might not be bad to have a travel mate. For example, a travel mate can help you take some pictures. Additionally, sometimes, I like to have a cup of coffee at a local cafĂ© shop. Having a cup of coffee with a travel mate isn’t a bad thing. Firstly, we can take a break. Additionally, we can spend some time discussing the plans for the next destinations or for the next day.


There are always pros and cons of having a travel mate during a trip. Before a trip, you have to think about those pros and cons and make a decision. I like to travel alone. Nonetheless, in some countries or in some cities, it might be better to have a travel mate because it’s a safer decision.

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