

A few days ago, I was taking the metro. In the metro, I saw the signs with different languages and the station announcements are in several languages as well.


10 years ago, I took the metro, in the same station, there weren’t signs with so many languages. However, as traveling becomes normal, the city gradually attracts more and more tourists from different corners around the world.


For me, while reading those signs, I began to think about the impacts of traveling. With more tourists around the world, the industry has changed. For example, last year, some friends and I went to a breakfast shop. We woke up at 5:30 a.m. and 30 minutes later, we arrived at the building where the shop was located. Well, there was a long queue. Lots of people were waiting there. In the queue, I saw several tourists with a guidebook or a map that provided information about that breakfast shop.


In addition, 10 years ago, I was responsible for organizing an event and one of the key sponsors was a pastry shop. Back then, I went to that pastry shop several times a year because we had to cooperate on several things. There was a long queue during the holidays. However, a few days ago, I passed by that pastry shop. There was a long queue. It wasn’t a holiday, nonetheless, I saw a long queue and in the queue, there were so many tourists from other countries.


Traveling has created so many impacts in my neighborhood. Looking at the positive sides, it helps local businesses draw attention from people from other countries. Of course, it helps grow the business. Moreover, it helps people from other countries to know more about your country. Additionally, it created demand for other things. For example, a translator that could help translate the signs or the menu into other languages.

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