

I just watched a video on YouTube. A well-known airline sponsored a sporting event and it was a successful one.


After watching the video, I just recalled a story that I used to collaborate with some airlines for an event, which was to invite people from different continents.


A key problem of this event is about flight tickets. Because people are from different continents, it’s extremely difficult to arrange those tickets. Thankfully, we were able to have an airline as a sponsor.


The sponsor did help us promote the event and we can purchase flight tickets at a relatively affordable price. Nonetheless, arranging those flight tickets was just a crazy story.


We spent so many months finalizing those flight tickets. We had to send confirmations to our guests. However, sometimes, some guests replied to the email a little bit late. And we had to rearrange because one of the connecting flights wasn’t available anymore. We went through this process so many times and sometimes, it was frustrating. In particular, as the event was getting closer, there was more pressure.


In the end, it was a good event and we were able to make it. Nonetheless, every time I think about this event. I just couldn’t forget those days about arranging flight tickets, collaborating with sponsors and travel agencies.

A few days ago, a friend who works in a travel agency asked me about this event. I told him the story. He truly understands why it wasn’t easy to organize the event. He indicated that arranging flight tickets might be even more difficult now. Moreover, if the event is going to be organized again, it will certainly require way more budgets on flight tickets. In the end, he was joking that he can help book some flight tickets and he will offer me a discount.

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