

Several weeks ago, I was browsing Facebook and saw a post. The post was very interesting. It was a painting which clearly showed a long queue in front of the painting of Mona Lisa.


I couldn’t stop laughing. Well, that painting is quite true. There’s always a long queue in front of Mona Lisa. It’s one of the most famous paintings of the world. When visitors come to the Louvre Museum, a key thing to do is to see the Mona Lisa.


When I was on my first trip in Europe, Paris was one of the destinations. One day, I woke up quite late in a hostel and in the afternoon, I decided to go to the Louvre Museum.


I took some photos in the museum plaza and decided to enter the museum. I would like to travel slowly, so I just slowly looked around. I saw a sign that clearly showed where to go to see the Mona Lisa. I thought that I had enough time.


Nonetheless, a few minutes later, visitors were leaving. I didn’t understand why. Then, I realized that the museum closed soon. So, visitors had to leave. On that day, I didn’t see the Mona Lisa.


The next day, I came early and entered the museum. I quickly went to the Hall where the Mona Lisa was displayed. Well, there were many visitors, without doubt. Nonetheless, I was able to take some photos, thankfully.

Seeing the Mona Lisa is quite interesting. It’s probably the most famous painting in the world. For me, I’m glad that I made the decision to see it. I learned about it in an art class at school and a teacher said that it would be interesting to see it from different angles. Nevertheless, it’s extremely difficult to see it from different angles because there are just so many people.

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