

I was browsing Facebook and saw a post. The post was from a fast food company and it showed a campaign of one of its well-known burgers.


The marketing team of that fast food company has surely done a great job because its posts and campaigns always draw a lot of attention. While reading the post, I began to think about eating at a fast food restaurant in Florida.


It was a trip in the spring, I went to Florida with some friends. During the trip, we had to drive from Miami to Orlando. It wasn’t a short trip. In the evening, we decided to stop at a fast food restaurant to get something for dinner.


Entering the restaurant, I was reading the menu and thought about ordering a burger. I saw a burger which was spicy. I would like to have a try, but I don’t really like food, which is too spicy. So, I asked a staffer if that burger was really spicy.


The staff was really nice. She told me that it wasn’t so spicy. Additionally, she indicated that if it’s too spicy, I can change for a new one. Her reply truly cleared my concern.


I ordered that burger and I ate it. It was a good one and my friends also liked the food they ordered.


While traveling, I actually spent some time eating fast food or eating at a fast food restaurant. Firstly, it’s an easy and affordable choice. Moreover, the quality of well-known global fast food chains usually wouldn’t let you down. In some countries, it might be even more trustworthy than some local restaurants. Thirdly, sometimes, you can taste “something local”, for example, I ordered a burger that was exclusively in Japan. I don’t know if people like to eat burgers while traveling. For me, it’s an acceptable choice.

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