
YOU have to pay attention

A few weeks ago, a friend asked me if I was available for dinner. “Of course.” I replied. We went to a restaurant, which serves good Vietnamese cuisine. We didn’t order much, but those cuisines were pretty good.


I paid the bill. However, after leaving the restaurant, I found something weird. There was a coin, which didn’t look right. Well, that coin is the currency of another country.


I guess the clerk wasn’t intentional. But while traveling, you might have to be careful before paying the bill.


One time, I was traveling with some friends in a country in Southern Europe. We decided to just grab some snacks in a restaurant. We didn’t order too much and the restaurant clerk didn’t look happy. After tasting those snacks, we asked for the bill. Nonetheless, we found something wrong with that bill. It showed that we ordered a bottle of mineral water. Nevertheless, we didn’t order it. That bottle of mineral water was that I bought at a vendor on the street.


Well, that’s an example. Additionally, in some countries, you have to understand that taxes will be included in the bill. Hence, you need to check carefully about the amount of money on the bill.


Traveling is interesting and there’s a lot of fun. Nonetheless, you still have to pay attention to several things. Now, almost everyone has a mobile and you can use a calculator on a smartphone before paying the bill. You can use the calculator to check the total amount of money to pay is correct. Moreover, you have to check if those food and beverages are all you ordered and had. It won’t take too much time and by doing these 2 things, you can avoid paying too much. Additionally, if you pay in cash, you have to check if the amount of change is correct. Of course, you can let the clerks keep the changes.

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