
Travel agencies’ problems?

A few months ago, I watched the news on TV. A group of people traveled to Vietnam and a local agency asked them to pay first. Otherwise, they won’t be able to continue the trip.


I was so shocked to watch the news. It’s really hard to imagine that you already paid a lot for the trip and when you arrived at the destination, a local tour guide still asks you to pay.


After watching the news, I asked a friend who has worked in this industry for a while. She indicated that the process is about the collaboration with a local agency in another country. It seems that there was a miscommunication about the payment between two agencies.


Nonetheless, a few days later, there is something even more unbelievable. The main problem wasn't the local agency in Vietnam. The main reason was that the other agency had some problems with its operations, and they were running out of cash. And the owner of that travel agency has a rich history of running a business poorly.


For me, it’s really tough to watch the news. There are so many people who like to travel and many people work hard in this industry. However, some people just didn’t do the right things. Nonetheless, after watching the news, it truly shows that everyone has to do some work before choosing a travel agency. For example, you have to check its reputation, the trip that the agency used to organize, and the feedback from the customers. It’s important to collect as much information as possible before making a decision on choosing a travel agency. But, you have to know that sometimes, something unexpected might happen and it’s better that you have plan B, just in case. With an alternative plan, you can react quickly and know what to do next. 

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