

I was in a hotel lobby, waiting for a staffer. She came back and gave me a bottle of mineral water.


It was springtime, and I was in Florida. I stayed in a hotel near a stadium. I was so thirsty after watching a game. When I came back to the hotel, I asked a hotel staffer if the water was drinkable in the hotel. Well, she said that she could give me a bottle of water.


We are humans and we have to drink water. While traveling, of course, we have to drink water. I used to buy some bottles of mineral water in the supermarkets. In particular, in some countries, you can taste good mineral water and the price is acceptable.


Additionally, most of the time, I fill a bottle of water in a hotel or a hostel before going out. Well, in most hotels, you can see water dispensers. Moreover, in some countries, tap water is drinkable. So, you can turn on the faucet and get water.


I got a bottle of mineral water in the hotel that day. A few days later, I reunited with my friends and we went to an amazing place.


That place is Disneyland. In Disneyland, you can just see people’s faces with a big smile. Well, that place certainly has some magic. But in the magic land, we might still be thirsty. A friend indicated that we could just go ask for tap water. On that day in Disney, I did drink tap water to make me less thirsty.


Without doubt, we have to drink water. While traveling, it’s good to do some research about water. For example, it’s better to know if tap water is drinkable in that country. Additionally, it would be even better to know the quality of water because in some countries, the water might cause some problems. 

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