

A couple of days ago, I watched a reel on Instagram. A YouTuber and his family went to a strawberry farm. His kids looked so happy to taste fresh strawberries.


After watching the reel, I began to think about a conversation I had with a friend. We used to travel to Austria once. One day, we talked about fruits in different countries.


He used to be a postdoc fellow in Sweden. As he told me, Sweden imported fresh fruits from Latin America. Well, I haven’t checked if there are some changes recently. But, the key thing is that Sweden has to import certain types of fruits because those fruits can’t be grown in Sweden.


While traveling, I like to taste local food. Hence, tasting local fruits is also a great thing to do. Additionally, in some countries, you will be fascinated by its wide variety of fruits. For example, when I was in a local market in Barcelona, I saw so many fruits that looked colorful and tasty.


Furthermore, I just recalled a story about coconuts. A few years ago, I was in Brazil in December, it was quite hot. I was on an island with some friends. On that trip, I bought a coconut several times and tasted a lot of coconut water. The coconut water was so good and truly made me less thirsty.


Nonetheless, I used to listen to some stories from other friends. They went to Southeast Asia and they tasted coconut water. The coconut water in Southeast Asia isn’t bad. Nonetheless, a friend indicated one of his friends just tasted so much coconut water in a day. Later that day, his stomach rocked.


While traveling, it’s certain that tasting local food and fruits is a great thing to do. However, it’s important to not overeat and it’s important to avoid some fruits that will make you allergic. 

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