

A few days ago, I was in a hostel. I was working in a study room. However, there was one thing, which was annoying.


So many mosquitos. Those mosquitos were just annoying and another friend indicated that it was not that easy to work in a study room because of mosquitoes.


Those mosquitoes made me think of a story while I was working in a guesthouse. It was a day off. My friend, who managed the guesthouse, was planning a pizza party.


So, we prepared some ingredients such as tomatoes and chicken. And in the morning, we went to another friend’s house. There’s a pizza oven in that friend’s house.


Then, we tried our best to shape pizza dough. Well, I’m not good at cooking. Hence, shaping pizza dough isn’t easy for me. It took a while, but I still was able to make it. Nonetheless, there was something annoying. That friend’s house is near the mountains and there were just so many mosquitoes.


My legs got so many mosquito bites. Oh, it was so itchy. Besides me, other friends also got mosquito bites. Additionally, there wasn't any mosquito cream to heal. Those mosquitoes somehow made me crazy.


In the end, I just sat on the floor. It was a bit cold on the floor and that really made me feel a bit better. So, I sat on the floor for a while and waited for those pizzas, which we put in the oven. The pizzas were good and I learned a little bit about making pizzas. Nonetheless, those mosquitoes were just so annoying. It wasn’t the first time that mosquitoes caused some trouble. While I was traveling on an island in Brazil, in the first few days, I got lots of mosquito bites. Thankfully, other friends had mosquito repellent sprays and we used the sprays every day. At least, some friends had sprays then.

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