
Sleep in the airport

A few months ago, a friend gave me a call. He planned to travel to Japan and asked me if I could go to the airport with him.


He’s a great friend of mine and I didn’t hesitate to say yes to him. However, a key thing was that he had to arrive at the airport in the early morning. We took a taxi in front of a hotel and headed to the airport. There weren’t many cars on the highway and it took around 40 minutes for us to arrive at the airport.


It was still early and the check-in service wasn’t available. So, we decided to take a nap in the airport. There were actually many tourists in the airport and we found a spot near the escalator.


My friend tried to sleep a little bit on the floor because he hadn’t slept for a while. However, it was quite difficult for me to sleep on the floor. I wasn’t able to sleep and began to wonder.


I went downstairs and saw there were several seats. Some tourists slept on the chairs and some were chatting a little bit. I saw there were some seats available and quickly came back to ask my friend to move.


My friend and I found a bench, and we decided to sleep on the bench. Well, I still couldn’t sleep. However, it was more comfortable at least. I just took a break on the bench.


Sometimes, you have to wait for a while in the airport, for example, waiting for a connecting flight. Nonetheless, I usually try not to sleep in the airport for some reasons. Firstly, I’m afraid of missing flights. Additionally, I’m afraid of losing luggage or a backpack. Hence, I normally stay awake before boarding. And when I sit in the seat in the flight, I would quickly fall asleep.

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