
List of hotels

A few days ago, I had dinner with former colleagues. That was a great night and we chatted a lot. The topics ranged from work to travel. Some of us really like traveling.


Additionally, one colleague just came back from Japan. Each year, he went to Japan several times. In particular, Tokyo is his favorite city to go. While talking to him, I asked him if he could provide the name of the hotel he lived in this time. Also, I asked him if he liked the hotel he lived in this time.


It’s always great to talk to this colleague because he did provide a lot of suggestions. Furthermore, he’s not the only person I asked before. Some friends also provided some suggestions.


It’s fun to collect some feedback from friends because hearing feedback from my friend is the best way to get first-hand information. Sometimes, you might not correctly understand the real situation or a hotel or a guest house by reading the comments on the platforms.


Well, now, the list of hotels isn’t so long. However, I can at least know some good hotels to stay in the future. I will keep collecting suggestions from my friends.

For me, I also like to share some of my experiences of traveling with my friends. However, I don’t just give a “yes” or “no” if a friend asks me whether a hotel is worth staying. I usually ask a friend’s preferences, for example, the location, the budget and other requirements. By understanding a friend’s preference, I could identify the best way to help my friend choose a place to stay or to go. Of course, I used to stay in that place. I don’t like to make judgements by just reading comments. Well, those comments might be useful, but you have to understand why those comments are there.

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