

A couple of months ago, a friend went to a city in Northeast China with her family. Before she took the trip, I told her that I went to another city in Northeast China.


It was a business trip and was my first time going to Northeast China. During the trip, there were several objectives and we had to visit several vendors. Before taking the business trip, I had to prepare several things.


However, there was a mistake that I would never forget. Before the business trip, I asked some friends about that city and they all told me that it was going to be cold in the winter. I did hear what they told me and prepared a coat.


Nonetheless, on the first day of the business trip, I could clearly feel that my lip wasn’t alright. But we had to visit several places. The next day, things just went even worse. My lip was bleeding a little bit. The weather was too dry and cold. So, I decided to go to a drugstore and bought a lip balm.


By applying lip balm, my lip was much better. During the business trip, that lip balm never left me.


That memory was just so clear and I couldn’t forget it. I thought that I was well prepared for that trip. However, there was just one thing that I didn’t notice. And it almost became a serious problem. Thankfully, I took a few minutes to go to a local drugstore, so I could buy a lip balm to solve this problem. Moreover, every time I heard of some friends who chose to go to that region, I always shared this experience with them. That was the very first time that I truly noticed the importance of lip balm. In the winter, a lip balm is necessary for me.

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