
A plan that didn’t work

Several months ago, a friend asked me to go to the airport with him. The flight he took departed in the early morning, hence, he chose to arrive at the airport at 4 a.m.


He’s a great friend of mine, so going to the airport with him isn’t a problem. For me, my plan was to sleep for a few hours before going to the airport with him. Nonetheless, that plan didn’t work.


I only slept for like an hour, then I couldn’t sleep. So, before going to the airport, I decided to get a cup of coffee. My friend and I arrived at around 3:40 a.m. and before checking in, my friend and I chose to take a nap in the airport.


Overall, my friend took the flight, and I went back home. However, for me, I was quite tired that day.


During a trip, you might have a plan. Nonetheless, sometimes, a plan might not work. Moreover, you might have to change a plan, dramatically. For example, one time, I went to Boston for a conference. At the beginning, I thought that I might have some extra time to take a look at the city. Nonetheless, before that trip, I didn’t sleep that night. When I arrived at the guesthouse, I just couldn’t do much but just took a nap.


In the end, that trip in Boston wasn’t bad. And actually, there was huge snow in Boston and there weren’t many places to go. Hence, taking a nap in the guesthouse wasn’t a bad decision. I regained energy and was able to wake up on time to prepare something for the conference.


It’s common that something doesn’t work in your life. During a trip, when a plan doesn't work, it’s important to make adjustments as soon as possible. Of course, rational adjustments. Sometimes, a new plan might be even better.

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