

A couple of days ago, my friends and I were talking about something interesting about traveling. Some shared their experiences about the first trip. Some indicated that they just had fun in Bangkok. Suddenly, a friend mentioned his luggage.


Well, I’ve been using this luggage for 10 years. The luggage is not too heavy, and I’ve traveled to many countries with this luggage. I don’t know what other people do. For me, after a trip, I would basically clean the luggage. I might just leave some unused tissues in the luggage.


A few years ago, I traveled to Japan. After the trip, I thought that I did the routine, cleaning the luggage. Nonetheless, 2 or 3 months after the trip, I had to go to another city and I needed that luggage.


After opening the luggage, there was a surprise. OMG. I found a cup of instant noodles in the luggage. How could this happen? I should have cleaned the luggage. Well, I checked the expiration date of the instant noodles and decided to eat instant noodles that night.


I told the story to some friends and my friends thought that I was crazy. Anyway, there weren't any problems in my stomach that night.


Nevertheless, a friend shared an even crazier story. She opened her luggage and found that there was “real food” in the luggage. I asked her if she tried the food. Well, she didn’t and threw the food. Hence, you know how long the food had been put in the luggage.


It was quite fun to share some stories about traveling with friends. For me, the good thing about traveling is not just the trip itself. Sometimes, interesting things happened after the trip. Well, finding a surprise in the luggage is interesting, but the next time, I will surely make sure that I do clean the luggage. 

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