

It’s 2024. It’s a leap year. So, this year, there’s a February 29.


On the day of February 29, I just recalled some memories while traveling on this day. It was my first trip to Japan. On February 29, it was the last day of my trip. The next day, I would have to take the return flight.


In the morning, I received a message from my friend. He told me that it was snowing. I quickly woke up and saw the scene outside. It was beautiful and it was actually the first time that I saw snow.


I was so glad to see snow and I opened the window to take some photos. Well, I did it quickly because it was actually a bit cold.


Looking back, it was indeed a great trip. I visited the beautiful city of Tokyo, went to museums, entered some stadiums, ate good food, met new friends, and experienced so many good things.


I was glad that my friend initiated the plan and eventually we made it. Every time we met again, we always talked about lots of cool things during the trip.


Although so many things have dramatically changed since then, the memories of the trip are vivid. Some souvenirs are still in a box in my room.


I don’t know when I will go to Japan again. I don’t know which city in Japan I will be visiting. Nonetheless, it should be soon. I have a long list to do once I come to Japan. Well, the list might be a bit long. Yes, it’s always good to be creative about the next trip and think about if there are cool things to do.


I have some good memories of traveling in leap years. This leap year, I would like to keep traveling and wish everyone a great trip.

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