

I texted a friend that I watched a series on Netflix. It was filmed in France and I couldn’t stop watching it.


While watching the TV series, I saw several familiar scenes in France. In particular, I remember the beautiful scenes in Normandy.


Normandy, a well-known region in France with rich culture and history, I heard of it when I was a kid. However, I never really had an opportunity to visit the beautiful region before meeting that friend.


She’s from Normandy and we met in the United States. She indicated that she’s from Normandy and someday I could visit her. Several years ago, in the summer, I made the trip.


She showed me around the city where she grew up. There are really many beautiful scenes in Normandy.


While watching the TV series, those memories became so vivid again. Moreover, when I saw Etretat, well, I still couldn’t pronounce it in French correctly, I’m just so glad that I made the trip. The weather wasn’t perfect that day, but the coast and the cliffs are just so beautiful.


It’s been a while since the last time I traveled to France. Nonetheless, I remember several good things that I experienced in France, the beautiful scenes, the buildings, the culture and so on. Watching that TV series on Netflix was entertaining and helps recall great memories of traveling.


I don’t know if the TV series will have the next episode. Nonetheless, I will surely watch some other TV series and perhaps, by watching some of them, I might recall memories of other trips or have a new idea of the next trips. However, now, at first, I have to figure out which TV series I should watch. Well, there are just so many choices on the streaming platforms and the time is limited. I’m just afraid of spending too much time watching TV series. 

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