
What to expect?

A few months ago, I met a friend in the new apartment which he just rented. We had some bottles of wine and talked about lots of things.


He just started his new job and was ready for a new challenge. We all agreed that there have been so many changes these days. I asked him if he expected this and he said, “Of course not.”


Additionally, he indicated that, in 2019, it’s certain that we couldn’t expect to see the world change dramatically. Moreover, he kept mentioning his trip by riding a bike.


He rode a bike to cross several countries in 2020. Back then, it wasn’t an easy trip. Each day, he had to check each countries’ travel rules and entry policies. If there were some changes, he might have to leave for another country very soon.


In the end, he rode a bike to cross different continents. I saw lots of photos that he shared on Instagram. Those photos were just so amazing.


I probably won’t do the same as he did. However, when we talked about 2019 and 2020. Things have just changed so much. He now has a new job and lives in a different city. We couldn’t meet each other as often as we used to do. Nonetheless, we know that it’s life.


While traveling, there’s something unexpected. In life, it’s really hard to expect what will happen. While tasting some wines and cheeses, I just thought about this friend. We met a year ago and at the beginning, he didn’t expect to have a job in a different country. Nevertheless, he just tried something new and started a new life. It’s pretty good to meet this friend and I like to listen to what he shared about life and traveling. Furthermore, we are now planning to take a trip and let’s see what we will see during the trip. 

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