
Miss the train

A few weeks ago, I saw a friend’s post. He indicated that he overslept and didn’t take the train to the next destination.


At that moment, he didn’t know what to do. Well, eventually, he had a new plan and was able to go to the next city.


While traveling, it’s not ideal to miss a train or miss a flight. However, these things could happen. Moreover, sometimes, there is something unexpected.


A friend used to travel in France with her family. Nonetheless, it wasn’t an easy trip. There was a rail strike, and they couldn’t take the train that they were planning to take at the beginning.


It took much more time for her family to arrive at the first destination of the trip. And it was at midnight.


During a trip, no one would like to see these things that are unexpected. Nonetheless, while facing this situation, you have to be calm and think about plan b.


I used to see bus driver strike, rail worker strike or airport staff strike while traveling. For me, I believe that workers have the right to let people hear their voices. Nevertheless, a strike is just something that will force you to change plans.


A few years ago, I faced an airport staff strike while traveling and back then, I didn’t know what to do. I talked to a friend about this problem and he provided lots of suggestions. For example, he told me that I should check the train schedule to see if I can take a train instead. Moreover, he also demonstrated that I should take a look at a shared car platform to see whether there are possible solutions. Well, I was able to solve the problem and learn from this situation. But, I wouldn’t like to see this happen again. 

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