

I was watching a YouTube video. In the video, an ambassador was interviewed. She indicated that at the beginning of her diplomatic career, she was a visa officer.


So, she frequently asked a question, why did you want to come to the U.S.A.?


Nowadays, with my passport, I can travel to most countries of the world without applying for a visa. However, after watching the interview, I recalled the day that I applied for a visa on my first trip to Europe.


Before taking the first trip to Europe, I had to prepare several documents such as a financial certificate and documents of my travel itinerary.


It actually took a little bit of time to prepare all the documents. Then, I had to go to an embassy to submit all the documents. Moreover, I was a little bit scared that the visa wouldn’t be approved.


Thankfully, the visa was approved, and I could successfully take a trip.


When I talked about this visa application process, lots of people couldn’t believe that, previously, traveling wasn’t so easy. You had to spend some time preparing documents and waiting for a visa. Additionally, you had to spend some money on applying for a visa.


For me, I’m pretty glad that, with my passport, I can travel to so many countries. Nonetheless, when I thought about the very first time that I traveled alone, I always remember that I tried my best to get all those documents on time and asked a friend to come to the embassy with me, just in case I might miss something.


I still had that old passport with me. Of course, that passport expired. Nevertheless, seeing those visas on the passport truly helps me recall good memories. Now, looking at my passport, I hope to visit more countries that I haven’t been to. And, looking forward to seeing more stamps or visas on my passport. 

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