

A few months ago, I visited a good friend and we went to an old village.

There are some cool stores in the village. A friend saw a pen shop and he guessed that I might be interested in going inside. And, yes, he’s right.

I decided to take a look at the store. In the store, there are several good pens, in particular, fountain pens. Nowadays, you can do lots of things with a laptop, an ipad or a mobile phone. However, sometimes, I still like to write.

In addition, a pen is actually necessary while traveling. For example, you might have to fill some entry forms when entering some countries. You can only fill the form with a pen. You can’t do that on your mobile phone.

In addition, while traveling, I like to get a map from a visitor center or a hotel. Then, I would put down some notes on the map to see where I should go.

Finally, I met some good friends while traveling. We are from different countries, but we met each other during a trip. We chatted about the trip and shared some experiences. Before leaving, we used a pen to write down contract information. Hopefully, we will be able to meet somewhere again.

For me, a good pen is necessary while taking a trip. A mobile phone is very useful, however, sometimes, there’s something that a pen is irreplaceable. You have to fill some forms and sometimes, writing down something could help you enhance memories. 

Overall, I enjoyed visiting my friend and found that there are several good stores in the village. Additionally, I gained a little more knowledge about fountain pens and inks. The next time I travel abroad, I might visit some stationery stores to feel the atmosphere in a different country.

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