
So tired

I was working in a coffee shop and a friend sent me a message on Facebook. We hadn’t talked for quite a while and she would like to chat a bit.


We met in a hostel in Paris. Back then, we were all travelers and would like to know a little bit more about Paris. I stayed in that hostel for a few days. Before going to the next destination, we wrote our email address to each other.


Well, I left an email address to some friends during a trip. However, in the end, I only stayed in touch with some of them. It’s common. You can’t expect everyone to stay in touch with you for a long time.


After the trip in Paris, we met again in Barcelona. She was traveling with another friend and they stayed in a couch surfing place. For me, it was quite interesting. The host let them know where the key was, so they could open the door. On the last day of the trip, they said that they were really tired, so they would like to go back to the couch surfing place earlier.


Normally, for me, traveling is to erase pressure and regain energy. However, sometimes, I might over-plan and would like to do so many things in a day. In the end, I feel too tired or even exhausted. Then, I realized that it’s not my major purpose of traveling. So, I decided to slow down. I prefer to have enough sleep during a trip. Of course, I walk a lot, but I won’t over-walk. Sometimes, I take a break after going for a while. However, I know some friends who always plan to do a lot of things while traveling. For them, waking up at 6:00 a.m. and going through several parts of the city won’t cause any problems or make them feel tired.

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