

A few days ago, I saw an advertisement on Facebook. It was an ad for a suitcase. And, lots of people left comments on the advertisement and there were just a lot of discussions about this product.

Some people said the suitcase was too big. Some said that the luggage is too heavy. At the same time, some people like its design and some people said they used to travel with another product of this brand. It’s quite interesting to read those comments. And, that makes me think about suitcase while traveling.

Previously, I used an old suitcase, which was bought by my parents. It was a suitcase with a huge space. However, there was a problem. My luggage frequently reached the luggage limit and sometimes, it was a bit overweight. Then, I realized that the luggage was a bit heavy. And, a few years ago, I needed one more luggage and bought a new one. After using it for several years, this “new luggage” is still working well. Well, the price of the luggage wasn’t too expensive. Furthermore, it wasn’t too heavy. Thus, I think that I made a great decision to buy this new luggage.

After traveling to several countries, I realized how important luggage is. It’s important to have good suitcases while traveling. And, for me, the most important thing is to have luggage with good wheels. Additionally, it’s important to know the material of the luggage. The materials will have an impact on its durability and weight.

Yesterday, I went to an outlet with some friends and we stopped by a store that sells several types of suitcases. A friend would like to travel soon and asked me whether I could provide some suggestions. I told him that we could try to use the luggage that was shown in the store and see whether some of these products could fit his expectations. 

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