
Stay longer?

Before traveling, we have to make a plan. In particular, it’s important to book flight tickets and before booking tickets, you have to confirm how many days of your trip.

However, sometimes, you might want to change your plan. A few years ago, I was traveling in the United States. After staying there for a while, I would like to stay for a few more days and visit more cities. Hence, I sent an email to the airline customer service. A few days later, I received a reply. A customer service staffer replied that I had to pay an extra fee for changing the dates. Eventually, I didn’t change the date because the extra cost was too high. Thus, I didn’t stay in the United States for a few more days. Nonetheless, I used to change a plan by accident. I visited a great friend while I was traveling in Europe for the first time. We met in Paris and had a great day with her family. My initial plan was to leave for Rome in the evening. Nevertheless, when I arrived at the train station, the train had already departed. I had no other choices. I booked another train ticket that the train would depart the next morning. While I was at the ticket office, a staffer indicated that I was lucky because I could stay in Paris for one more day. The next day, I arrived at the train station very early and took a TGV to Italy. Some people like to plan everything before traveling. Someone doesn’t like to make a precise plan before traveling. It truly depends on each one’s decision. Sometimes, you might want to change your plan. For example, you would like to stay in the city for a few more days. I did try to change a plan while traveling, but it didn’t work. But, sometimes, you can stay in a city for one more day by accident. 

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