

A few months ago, a friend sent me a message, asking me whether I would like to go to a movie theater.

She asked me if I would like to go to watch an animation movie because her supervisor gave her movie tickets. The animation movie was actually from a famous animation series. When I was a kid, I usually watched the animation series every weekend. After watching the animation series, my classmates and I chatted about the series during the week. Well, that was a great memory. And, a few years before, I was traveling and one day, my friend and I passed by a level crossing, which was shown in the animation series.

It’s probably one of the most well-known level crossings in the world. When my friend and I went to that region and arrived at the level crossing, there were already many tourists. So many people were there to take photos. I quickly took some photos and helped my friend take some photos, then we walked around and explored the area.

The first time that I traveled to Roma, I decided to go to the coliseum because I watched it in a movie and thought that it would be great to visit there. I didn’t intend to go to that level crossing but my friend would like to go there. So, we went there and took some photos. While watching some people’s comments about the animation movie, I thought about the trip. That afternoon, I was at that level crossing. It was not downtown, but it was a great day to stay in a rural area. I might not go to that region again, but I might travel to some other cities if I see something interesting, some great scenes or spectacular buildings in the movies. 

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