
1-day trip

A few weeks ago, I watched a YouTube video, which was quite interesting and crazy.

In the video, a YouTuber and his colleagues were traveling to Japan for just a day. Yes, a round-trip in a day. Well, the trip was quite interesting. They rent a car. They had been to so many stores and tasted some good food. They booked a hotel room, but it seems that they didn’t sleep in the hotel. They only stayed in the hotel to take a shower and re-packed up their luggage. Additionally, there was a traffic jam and they were unable to visit some places.

A few days ago, a friend came to visit me and we decided to get some and we drank a lot. That day, I only slept for 2 hours and the next day, I felt just exhausted.

A few years ago, a friend asked me if I would like to take a 1-day trip to Japan. However, in the end, I didn’t even try because I guessed that it was too crazy and I would be extremely tired.

Well, I used to take a one-day trip previously. Several years ago, I used to take a trip from Barcelona to Andorra. I took a bus with a friend from Barcelona in the morning and a few hours later, we arrived in Andorra. We walked around the country and the next morning, we took a bus back to Barcelona. It was a casual 1-day trip, my friend and I didn’t walk too much. We just walked around and took some photos. For me, that’s a possible 1-day trip. In particular, if there’s a delay during the 1-day trip, I might have to try to solve other problems, for instance, I might have to book a flight ticket or book a hotel for one more night.

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