

70% of the human body is composed of water. As a human, water is necessary in daily life.

Of course, we need to get some water while traveling. When I traveled to Rome for the first time, on a great sunny day, I was walking on the street near the coliseum. I was a bit thirsty and would like to get some water. However, my bottle was running out of water. I saw a stand that sells some fruits. I got a piece of coconut and asked the stand owner whether there were any places to get some water. He indicated that I could get some water in free drinking fountains on the street. All I have to do is take a look at those fountains on the street.

I still walked a bit and then saw water fountains. Thankfully, I got some water and refilled the bottle with water. The fountain water truly tasted great for me at that moment.

Nonetheless, sometimes, you have to be very careful while drinking water. When I was traveling in Venice with some friends, one afternoon, we went to a local shop. I was thinking of buying beverages or a bottle of water. My friend checked the label very carefully because he didn’t want to buy sparkling water. I asked him why. Then, he said that just a few days ago, he was thirsty and just grabbed a bottle of water to drink. He quickly drank water, nonetheless, he was choking on water because it was sparkling water. He didn’t pay attention that it was sparkling water and drinking sparkling water was not common for him.

Water is surely necessary in our life and it’s always important to drink enough water. During a trip, I always prepare a bottle of water just in case. Therefore, sometimes, if I visit some places where there are not so many stores nearby, I will at least have some water with me.

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