

A couple of months ago, a friend went back to Japan. I took the metro with her to the airport. After checking in the luggage, I waved good-bye to her and wished her good luck in Japan.

The check-in process was smooth and she didn’t waste too much time. However, while traveling, I sometimes see some problems with luggage.

On my first trip to Italy, I stayed in a hostel in Roma. On the final day of the trip, I went to the cafeteria in the hostel for breakfast. There weren’t many people in the cafeteria, but I met 2 new friends. We chatted a bit and realized that we would take the same flight. We were going back to Asia. After breakfast, we went back to pack and then, we were waiting for the bus. We took the bus to the train station and took the train to the airport. At the airport, we quickly checked in the luggage. Nonetheless, there was a problem while passing the security check. A friend accidentally put a bottle of wine in his bag and it is not allowed.

An airport security guard told them the problem and they had to either put the bottle of wine in the luggage or throw it away. Well, I didn’t know what the decision was because a friend asked to pass the security first.

I passed the security check and eventually got on the flight. A few minutes later, I saw them on the flight. Thankfully, they solved the problem. I guess that one of them just accidentally forgot to put a bottle of wine in the luggage. However, in the airport, there are rules that everyone should follow. It’s important to check your luggage or baggage before going to the airport, otherwise,
there might be some problems.

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