

A few months ago, I watched an interview on YouTube. The host asked a world-renowned football player about his former team. Well, he had a lot of complaints about his former team.

Well, I don’t like to complain. However, I did complain about a friend’s arrangement during a trip. When I was in college, some of my high school friends and I decided to go to an island for summer holidays. It was a friend’s idea, so basically, we just followed him during a trip.

We took a boat to the island. After arriving at the island, we were waiting to meet the host of the guesthouse. However, after waiting for a while, we didn’t see anyone from the guesthouse. I was asking my friend what was going wrong. He began to call the guesthouse owner. I was a bit angry because it was actually quite hot outside. I just didn’t think that we could wait outside for a while.

A few minutes later, we saw someone who had a banner with my friend’s name. So, we came to meet that guy and he pointed out to us that the guesthouse owner was waiting for us.

Overall, it was a great trip. I truly appreciate that my friend organized the trip. We had a great time on the island. However, I still feel sorry that I complained a lot at the beginning of the trip. Well, we are all humans. We might feel unhappy for certain things. However, complaining just doesn’t seem to be a great idea because your complaints might not be helpful to solve problems. Additionally, complaints might hurt your relationships with your family and friends. I believe that I was immature while I was in college because I shouldn’t complain to my friend. It was just a few minutes late and I shouldn’t be so angry.  

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