

A few months ago, a friend arranged dinner. I was extremely glad to meet her and other friends since we haven’t met for 3 or 4 years.

During the dinner, a friend indicated that something you might eat in China. Then, another said something about rabbits. And, I said that I used to eat rabbit meat while I was traveling in Italy.

It was a winter trip and I decided to travel to Italy. During the trip, I would go to several cities and I would meet my friends during the trip. On the day that I met my friend, she invited me to have dinner with her family.

I went to my friend’s family house and her parents are just so nice. We chatted so much and were ready for dinner. At the beginning, we had pasta. Of course, pasta is surely common in Italy. Then, the main course was rabbit meat. Well, I didn’t know how to explain the taste and I didn’t really remember what it tasted like. Anyway, that was the last time I tasted rabbit meat.

After telling the story, a friend indicated that she has lived in China for several years and rabbit meat is very common in the region she lives. She doesn’t eat rabbit meat, nonetheless, it’s very common for her to see rabbit meat in the market.
While traveling, I like to taste something special that’s only available in the city or in the region. However, there’s still something that I’m afraid of trying or I wouldn’t like to taste. I used to taste rabbit meat when I traveled in Italy a few years ago. Nonetheless, I won’t taste it again. Nevertheless, it’s important to let your friend know that there’s something you don’t eat. Otherwise, there will be some awkward moments. 

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