
Is it safe?

I just received a message from a great friend and she shared great news with me. I was extremely glad to hear from her. Additionally, I recalled some good memories.

Back then, in the summer, I was staying in Barcelona. My friends would like to travel to Barcelona for around a week. One evening, we gathered for dinner and were discussing some plans for Friday night. I told a friend that we could go to the Sants Station (Sants Estacion) because there was a fiesta (party). In Barcelona, there are fiestas in the summer. Each borough hosts its annual fiesta and everyone can join the party.

Nonetheless, another friend showed some concern and asked me whether it’s safe in that neighborhood. I said that it’s a safe area and we could just take a look at the fiesta.

On that Friday night, we met at the Sants station. And then, we went to see the fiesta. On the street, we saw lots of decorations and there was lots of food, events and music. Some friends were a bit surprised to see the fiesta because they didn’t expect this.

The next day, I was waiting for my friend at the Sants station because she had to leave earlier and I would go to the airport with her. On the train, she told me that they were really happy to go to the fiesta and they really like the music. I was glad that they enjoyed the fiesta because a friend was a bit afraid of the safety of the neighborhood at the beginning.
For me, I like to see some local events while traveling because I could see the real culture of the city. The fiesta in Barcelona truly let me learn more about its culture. People in each borough showed their creativity and some decorations were just so amazing. 

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