

Recently, I talked to several friends about eating breakfast. Some of my friends don’t eat breakfast. However, for some friends, eating breakfast is necessary everyday.

Previously, I thought eating breakfast was necessary. However, recently, my mind has changed. Now, I don’t think eating breakfast is necessary. Mostly, I only eat lunch and dinner these days.

However, while traveling, I like to have breakfast at the hotel, if breakfast is included. There are several reasons for me to have breakfast at the hotel. Firstly, if the fee includes breakfast, it’s better not to waste money. Additionally, some hotels actually provide great breakfast. For example, I used to go on a business trip and the hotel I stayed at provided salmon for breakfast. I really like the salmon, which the hotel provided. Thirdly, after going out, it’s hard to tell when I will have lunch. Most of the time, I don’t want to spend time on food. I usually walk a lot during the day. So, eating a good breakfast at the hotel would help me gain some energy and normally, I wouldn’t feel hungry during the day. Sometimes, I only eat breakfast and dinner when I travel.

Nonetheless, there’s something different in each country. When I traveled in Japan, there were different options. The first time I traveled in Japan, I stayed at an apartment. There was a convenience store next to the apartment, so I usually buy some food for breakfast in that store. Sometimes, my friends and I went to a restaurant near the apartment to get breakfast.
Now, eating breakfast is not necessary for me. However, while traveling, eating breakfast is a good way to start the day. In particular, getting a good breakfast would give me energy to start the journey. Moreover, in some hotels, some great food is served for breakfast. 

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