
Wifi password

Recently, I saw a photo on Instagram. The content is quite simple, which is that someone just changed the wifi password, so his neighbor can’t use the wifi. I saw the post and began to laugh. It was so fun and that post makes me think about some moments when I tried really hard to get the wifi password. Several years ago, I arrived in Delhi at midnight. After arriving, I was waiting in a long queue to exchange some money. While waiting, I was trying to search whether there is wifi service at the airport. I did see there’s wifi service. However, it required a local phone number to receive the password. Unfortunately, I couldn’t use the wifi network at the airport. Additionally, one day, my friends and I went to a local department store to buy some Indian costumes. We each got what we wanted and then, we were getting some coffee. There’s wifi service at the store, however, again, you need to have a local phone number. I asked a staffer in customer service and she helped me get the password, so I can log in. I really need wifi that day because I would like to send a message to my brother to say “Happy Birthday.”
I sometimes crazily look for wifi passwords because I would like to stay connected with my friends and family. However, it’s not ideal to be addicted to smartphones. Moreover, I remember that one time, I visited a friend in Croatia. I stayed at his place and on the first night, he wrote down the wifi password for me. It’s a long password and at the first night, I couldn’t recognize some characters he put down. The next morning, I asked my friend again and eventually, I can use the wifi at his place.  

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