
Something free?

A few months ago, I spent a weekend with some friends. We decided to book a hotel that we used to live in before. After checking in, a staffer in the hotel gave up a small bag of chocolates and she indicated that it’s a gift.

Additionally, I went to get some lunch in a pasta shop frequently. A couple of days ago, the owner gave me a tiramisu and he said “it’s free.” While traveling, I sometimes receive something for free. However, it doesn’t guarantee that it’s a good experience.

I went to a restaurant in Barcelona with some friends. Some of them visited Barcelona for the first time and it was their first meal in Barcelona. We quickly went through the menu and ordered some food.

Some friends were just really excited and couldn’t wait. However, after an hour, there wasn’t any food on the table. We just couldn’t understand what happened. Hence, a friend went to ask a restaurant manager. It seemed that they forgot our order.

The manager apologized and a few minutes later, they provided some snacks such as fries and a staffer indicated that it’s free. Then, they delivered some food on the table. Nonetheless, we actually didn’t order those foods.

Well, it seemed that the restaurant staff didn’t actually prepare what we ordered. Overall, it wasn’t a great experience to have lunch in that restaurant. We just quickly finished our lunch and left. However, we did get some food for free. I don’t know what other people think. But, my friends and I wouldn’t like to wait for more than 1 hour and didn’t eat anything. It’s not bad to get something free while traveling. However, sometimes, “something free” is not exactly free. There's always a price to pay. If a stranger just gives something and say it’s free, I will actually avoid getting it. 

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