

A few days ago, I went to get some food for lunch with some friends in a restaurant. The food served in the restaurant was pretty good, and the price was affordable. However, after finishing lunch, I found out that I didn’t have enough cash with me. The restaurant only allows consumers to pay in cash.

Nowadays, I don’t like to have too much cash with me while going out. Most of the time, I pay with credit card or I use mobile payment. However, things weren’t the same a few years ago.

I went to Shanghai to visit my friends a few years ago. One day, we went to an M&M’s store. It was my first time visiting an M&M’s store and there was a lot of interesting merchandise. We spent some time in the store and I decided to buy some souvenirs.

I put all the products I wanted on the shop counter and was ready to pay. Hence, I put some RMBs on the counter. Then, a staff member looked at me strangely. The staff asked the other staff at the counter some questions. Well, it turned out that one note I paid was an old note and that staff didn’t see it before. So, he had to ask the other staff. Additionally, my friend indicated that mobile payments are very common and it’s actually quite rare to see people pay in cash.

While traveling, I usually pay in cash because I don’t want to be charged with commission fees. However, there are several other choices that travelers can consider. For example, travelers can find some credit cards with great travel rewards. There are several options for travelers to choose, thus, each traveler can find the best deal that fits his or her expectation. But, it’s always ideal to do some homework before traveling to know which method of payment is most commonly used in the destination you visit. 

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