
Clothes wash

The first time I traveled alone, I thought about some problems with washing clothes. Hence, I went through several hostel websites and decided to stay at hotels with washing machines.

Back then, I actually packed a lot of stuff in my luggage and my luggage was very close to being overweight. After checking in the hostel, I did ask a hostel staffer where the laundry was.

So, how many times did I wash my clothes by using the washing machine? The answer is zero. I actually never used washing machines while traveling. However, it doesn’t mean that I didn’t wash clothes. If I travel for more than a week, I usually use soap to quickly wash some clothes and socks. So, I can have clean clothes and socks.

But, sometimes, how to dry clothes is a problem. Well, normally, with air-conditioning or heating systems, there’s little doubt that clothes would be dried in one day.

However, while traveling, it’s actually better to travel light. Thus, it’s ideal to pack light and smart for the trip.

Normally, I would prepare extra clothes during a trip just in case. Nonetheless, that means I need some extra room in the luggage. But, the good news is that I learn from other travelers.

A traveler who published several books about traveling, he indicated that he likes to prepare some disposable underwear while traveling. Additionally, he would just leave some old towels or old clothes in the hotels because he no longer needs them. By doing this, there will be some extra rooms in his luggage.

Well, there are many ways to travel. For me, I would like to travel comfortably. Thus, I prefer to wear clean clothes. If I have to travel for a longer time, I will surely have a plan to wash my clothes. At least, I have to get soap to hand wash my clothes. 

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