
India, sorry

A few months ago, I watched a YouTube video, which was a pilot’s story while he was working in India.

That pilot’s journey in India was very interesting, however, the end of the story wasn’t a great one. He indicated that he actually escaped from India because there were so many problems within the airline he worked for and he didn’t like the country.

I only went to India once, staying there for around a week. I do not have as rich experience in India as that pilot does. My journey in India was interesting, however, there’s still something, which wasn’t good.


Back then, the India government announced banknote demonetization and people had to change new banknotes. I remember that I saw a long queue outside of a bank several times during those days in India.

Additionally, one afternoon, I went to a tourist attraction with a friend. We arrived at the entrance and were checking where the ticket office was. We went to the ticket office and asked for 2 tickets. We paid for the entrance tickets and the lady returned a banknote to us.

However, I saw the banknote and told my friend to wait a bit. I checked the banknote and it was an old banknote, which wasn’t allowed anymore. We went back to the ticket office and asked to change. We received new banknotes. But, that experience wasn’t good. Once we didn’t pay attention, we would accidentally lose money since the old banknote was denominated.

Each one has his or her story while traveling. I believe that most people have great experience of traveling. Nonetheless, it’s impossible to not face bad things or something unhappy. Before a journey begins, it’s important to understand what’s going on in the country you traveled to and pay attention during a trip. Thus, we can avoid some problems. 

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