
French fries

It was almost midnight, I had just finished playing some baseball with a friend. We were a bit hungry and decided to get some food at McDonald's. We ordered some fries by using the drive-through service.

In the car, we were talking about McDonald’s french fries. My friend indicated that the quality of McDonald’s french fries is pretty good. You can taste good-quality fries almost everywhere and it’s really hard to replicate the flavor of McDonald’s fries even if you know the ingredients.

I enjoyed eating fries and thought about a story when I was traveling in China.

I was with other friends in Beijing in 2008. Yes, we were there for the summer Olympics. It was surely one of the most watched sports events of the world and we were extremely excited.

The group leader is a great person and she didn’t want any of us to face any troubles, in particular, eating something that is not fresh. So, we basically ate everything in the hotel or in a restaurant, which was arranged by the group leader.

However, after a couple of days, we would like to taste something different. We would like to ask the group leader whether we could get some street food. Unfortunately, the answer was no.

Nonetheless, one day later, a friend asked whether we could order some food from McDonald’s. This time, the answer was yes.

The quality of McDonald’s food is quite reliable and that was the only thing the group leader allowed us to order a while ago. Now, there are so many choices to order by just using an application on the phone. And, you can taste so much great food by just checking the menus on an application while traveling. McDonald’s is not the only option to order. But, I just couldn’t forget that story a while ago. 

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