
Being angry?

“They set the rules, why don’t they follow the rules?” a friend said loudly.

“Calm down. Just calm down.” Another friend said.

During my first trip in China, I went to a place to buy some souvenirs with some friends. It was a full day and we had to visit several places. That day, we agreed to meet at a meeting point at 5:30 p.m., however, at 6:00 p.m., some people still hadn’t arrived.

I was there with some friends, waiting for other friends. A friend who was waiting with us looked a bit unhappy. Then, she asked whether other people couldn’t follow the rules we set. Moreover, she asked why those people let us wait.

She was unhappy. To be more precise, she was angry. I didn’t know what to do. But, a friend tried to calm her down and told her that we had to figure out where other friends were. Then, a friend began to “search” those friends and most of us who already arrived just waited at the meeting point. Back then, the iPhone wasn’t available, so it wasn’t that easy to just text everyone to ask where they are.

Eventually, we didn’t miss anyone. And, we could move on to the next destination. But, a friend just kept apologizing to that friend who was quite angry.

If traveling with other friends, it’s very important to communicate well and follow the rules agreed. I don’t want to see any friends be angry while traveling. However, that day, that friend was really angry because some people were late. That was the only time that I saw that friend become so angry. For me, it’s quite important to control anger. In particular, while traveling, I really don’t want to be unhappy and don’t want to see other people angry.

Thankfully, that friend’s anger didn’t last long and we saw her smile that night. 

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