
Selfie stick

Taking photos may be necessary for many people while traveling. It’s a good way for people to capture great moments during a trip. Previously, I used to take a lot of photos while traveling.

For me, I only had a camera with me and I used my iPhone to take some photos as well. However, for some people, they have more equipment.

A couple of years ago, a friend from Canada met with me during a business trip. He likes architecture, so on his last day of the trip, I showed him a newly built library. It is a green building.

That library is surely a popular place. When my friends were walking around, we saw many people taking photos. Then, we entered the library to see what it looked like inside. My friend and I went up to the second floor and we went to the balcony, so we could chat a bit outside.

Standing on the balcony, we looked around the buildings nearby. When we looked down, we saw a guy in a park, which we had just passed by. The guy was trying to take photos with his tripod. My friend and I suddenly said, “He’s still there.”

Well, my friend has been to several countries and he saw many travelers who use a selfie stick or a tripod to take photos. We began to talk about using a selfie stick while traveling. There’s no right or wrong about using a selfie stick. However, we basically don’t take too many photos during a trip. And, a selfie stick would somehow occupy some spaces in a bag and we don’t like to take so much stuff while traveling. Nonetheless, I saw some of my friends who used a selfie stick to take some photos during a trip. A selfie stick can be helpful to take some photos from different angles. But, recently, I don’t see them do the same as they used to.  

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