

Several months ago, I received an email from a great friend’s father. He asked me whether I’m all right. Additionally, he told me huge news that he just retired.

In the email, he indicated that he was ready to travel by motorbike and he planned to visit several countries in the Balkans.

Previously, he used to ride a motorbike to Italy and Germany. And, he sent me some photos during his trip. He’s a big fan of riding a motorbike and he shared some knowledge of some key players in the market. Thus, I gained some knowledge of motorbikes from him.

I was really glad to receive his email and congratulated him on a great career. Now, it’s time for him to enjoy life and travel as much as he wants. Well, it’s still too early for me to retire. However, riding a motorbike to travel sounds like a possible idea.

Previously, a friend told me that she would like to ride a bike to cross Europe. She hasn’t made it, but she will try to do it. Moreover, when I was in college, some of my friends used to travel by bike. Some of them saw the different parts of their home countries. Some of them rode a bike in a different country. They each shared some stories while traveling by bike.

I hope to receive more cool photos from my friend’s father and see whether he has some good stories to share with me. Furthermore, I hope to learn more about traveling by motorbike from him and get more ideas about traveling by a motorbike. Truth be told, I only rode a motorbike once and I shall spend some time learning to ride a motorbike very well. In the short term, I guess I will probably try something different. 

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