

In the winter, it might be extremely cold in some countries and a heater is necessary. Otherwise, it would be too hard to live.

Growing up in Southeast Asia, it’s usually not that cold in the winter. Well, it could be cold on some days, but normally, it’s not that cold and most families don’t need a heater at home.

On my first trip to Japan, I traveled with some friends in the winter. During that trip, I realized how important a heater or a heating system is.

We stayed in an apartment and there was a heater in each room. During the trip, I did turn on the heater, thus I wouldn’t feel cold in the room. Moreover, when I took the metro, I also felt warm on the metro. Then, I checked online and found that the heating system is on the metro.

Moreover, one of my colleagues used to study in Japan. He shared a story about taking the circular line metro in Japan.

He told me that he likes to sleep on the circular line metro in Japan. In particular, in the winter, it was quite comfortable to sleep on the metro. He used to sleep for a couple of hours on the circular line. Furthermore, some of his classmates did the same.

In some countries, a heating system or a heater is necessary for each household. If there are some problems with the heating system, it will be quite difficult for some families. I didn’t know the importance of a heating system before. However, after visiting several countries in the winter, I know that turning on a heater in the winter is very important. I used to visit a friend in the winter and my friend forgot to turn on the heater. And, I just couldn’t sleep that night because it was too cold. 

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