

A few weeks ago, I saw a marketing campaign on an online retailer. On that online shop, I saw a lot of Havaianas flip-flops available with a great deal.

While seeing those flip-flops, I thought about my trip to Brazil. I went to Brazil several years ago. During that trip, I stayed in Rio for a few days. In the morning, we woke up early and were ready for a whole day trip. We met with other friends first. But, before going out, I saw a friend look quite casual. He just wore his Havaianas flip-flops. Then, another friend asked him whether he was serious. That friend answered, “Of course, I’m a Brazilian.”

We walked a lot that day and had been to so many places. That Brazilian friend was fine and didn’t have any problems walking a lot with his flip-flops. Well, I wore a pair of sneakers that day and other friends did the same. Some friends seemed to be a bit tired after walking for a whole day. However, that Brazilian friend just shows us that he’s a real Brazilian.

Before that trip to Brazil, I used to see a friend who posted a photo on Facebook. He went to Brazil for a school trip and passed by a Havaianas flagship store. He took a photo at the store and shared it on Facebook. Back then, I didn’t know how attractive Havaianas was.

However, after taking a trip to Brazil, I saw so many cool flip-flops in several Havaianas stores. There are just so many great products available. I did buy some pairs of flip-flops. Well, I went out yesterday with a pair of flip-flops. But, I didn’t walk for a whole as we did in Brazil. I just couldn’t believe that my Brazilian friend could walk a day with just a pair of Havaianas. 

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