
Bus again

A couple of months ago, I visited an old friend who had just welcomed a newborn baby boy. I took a bus from one city to another. When I saw my friend, well, he looked a bit tired. However, I can see the joy of “being tired”.

It’s always wonderful to see my friend enjoy the next level of life. I was just so happy for my friend.

After visiting him, I took a bus back to the city where I live. On the bus, I thought of some moments. We used to take a bus to another city for a tournament several times. On the bus, there were some funny moments.

When I thought about those funny moments on a bus, we just couldn’t stop laughing. Additionally, for me, I’ve been to so many cities by bus. Moreover, this friend also went to several cities by bus as well and he used to tell me a story.

He used to take a bus and someone was trying to smoke on the bus. Smoking is not allowed on a bus, but someone just couldn’t follow the rule and tried to smoke in the toilet on the bus. The bus driver smelt something weird and very quickly, he loudly announced that smoking is not allowed.

In addition, I also thought about a story while taking a bus. I was on a bus in Croatia. I was going back to Zagreb, on a bus, I would like to go to the toilet. However, it was locked and I just couldn’t open the door. Someone on the bus just said something in Croatian, which I just didn’t understand. Then, the bus driver came and told me that the toilet wasn’t allowed to be used. He asked me whether I could wait. Around 1 hour later, the bus stopped at a bus station and the bus driver announced that we could go to the toilet and the bus would depart in 15 minutes.   

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