
It’s okay

Traveling in Northern Spain was one of the great memories in my life. There are really a lot of places worth visiting and in particular, I met many people who are very nice. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is one of the masterpieces in architecture. I watched many videos and read several books about the story of this museum. When I went to Northern Spain with some friends, I told my friends that I really wanted to go to the museum.

While arriving at the Guggenheim Museum, I couldn’t be happier and just kept staring at this spectacular building. On that day, we decided to spend a day in Bilbao for a whole day. We entered the museum to look around and see what’s interesting inside the museum. Additionally, since we would like to stay in the neighborhood for a day, we asked a staff member in the customer service counter of the museum to know if there is something worth visiting nearby the museum. That staffer was really nice and provided several suggestions. In the afternoon, I walked the neighborhood nearby the museum and enjoyed seeing this city. Then, we headed back to the museum to see what the museum looked like in the afternoon. It was great, indeed. And, I thought for a while and decided to go to the souvenir shop to see whether there’s something interesting. There are some cool things in the shop, however, I didn’t want to crazily buy a lot of stuff. So, I only took postcards and playing cards to the counter and I was ready to pay. I checked my pocket and put all the coins on the counter. A problem of traveling in Europe is that there are so many types of Euro coins. After calculating, it turned out to be one cent insufficient. However, the staffer said, “it’s ok.” I didn’t believe that could be possible.

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