
A kid from Bilbao

The Qatar World Cup will take place this winter. Football will surely draw everyone’s attention this year and there will be a football fever in the winter. No doubt, football has played an important role in the world. Recently, I watched a highlight of a football match and that match made me think of a kid from Bilbao. Several years ago, I was in Barcelona and one afternoon, I went to a Starbucks to get some coffee and checked my emails. On the way to the Starbucks, I already saw many people with a jersey of Athletic Bilbao because there was a match between FC Barcelona and Athletic Bilbao. I ordered a cup of iced coffee and sat on a seat, where I could see the street. 30 minutes later, there was a sound and the sound got louder and louder. It turned out that there was a parade. Athletic Bilbao fans were marching on the street. Yes, Bilbao fans occupied the streets of Barcelona. For me, it was quite fun because I had never saw that before. Then, some fans came into the Starbucks and suddenly, the Starbucks was packed. The Starbucks staffers and I were the only people without an Athletic Bilbao jersey. A couple of minutes later, a kid came to me and showed me his phone. He was asking me whether he could use a socket next to me. I just moved my seat and let him charge his phone. I asked the boy whether he’s from Bilbao. He replied “yes” and said “the museum”. Then, he showed his smile and pointed up proudly. I can see a kid who’s proud of the city he comes from. Eventually, Athletic Bilbao didn’t win the match, however, I will never forget the proud face of that boy. I hope he’s still in love with football and proud of the city.

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