
The same habit?

A few years ago, I studied in a classroom and there were still other classmates in the classroom. Around 8:30 p.m., a classmate from Japan stood up and he told me that he was going to get dinner at KFC.

I was just wondering why he decided to eat dinner at KFC and asked him why. He told me that he had to eat a KFC meal every week. It’s quite interesting that he has this routine, in addition, he likes to eat ramen in different countries. He also indicated that he went to a job fair in Boston and he ate at a ramen restaurant there.

It’s normal that a person has his/her routine. Moreover, I used to know a restaurant owner in Spain. He has a Chinese restaurant and one day, he was super busy because a huge group of tourists from China were going to the restaurant. And, he told me that it’s quite common that Chinese tourists go to his restaurant.

For me, that’s quite interesting. While traveling, I like to taste local food. However, some people have different ideas. A few years ago, a good friend of mine went to travel with his colleagues. It was a company trip to Singapore. During the trip, they didn’t eat any Singaporean cuisine for the first three or four days. On the last day of the trip, he didn’t have to be with his colleagues and he decided to go get some Singaporean food. My friend quickly went to take a metro to some restaurants that served Hainan Chicken Rice. He ate Hainan Chicken Rice three times that day.

For some people like me, we like to eat local food while traveling. Nonetheless, some people like to taste food that they are familiar with and they don’t really like to taste local food. Well, there’s no right or wrong. People just have to choose their way to travel and to eat.

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